We can succeed in every department if we follow the teachings of Islam in our practical life, says Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali, Chairman Islahi Jammat wa International Tanzeem ul Aarfeen, while addressing Millad Mustafa and Haq Bahoo Conference at the Commerce College Ground the other day. We had left a side the basic principles of the Islam which are based on the reality and in result the entire Muslim Ummah is in grip of countless problems and if take guidance from the Quran and Sunnah in our lives, we will be succeeded and it is the proper time that concrete efforts to be done by all segments of the society said Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed.
He added that we should adhere and adopt the teachings of Islam as we had kept inside the sayings of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and in consequences we went down in every section of life and our rivals are beating and defeating us in our day to day life activities. Our youth is indulge in the negative activities especially use of net and allied items has kept our youngsters away from Islam and they are spending valuable time in extra activities and wasting not only valuable time but the talent though social media which is a planned move by the rivals and enemies of Islam to kept our youth in baseless activities and trying to keep our Muslim youth busy in rubbish activities keeping away and away us from Islam.