British High Commissioner (BHC) to Pakistan Dr Christian Tuner on Thursday said the recent peace deal between US and Taliban would bring peace to Pakistan’s western border which is in the interest of country. The government of Pakistan has taking very positive approach in supporting the move to peace and afghan negotiations which would end the 20 years of war in Afghanistan.
Dr Christine Turner was giving a talk at Bradford University, he is touring North of the England to share his views of Pakistan and interact with British Pakistani’s.
He appreciated Prime Minister Imran Khan for his distinguished approach by returning the Indian pilot and calling for de-escalation in the wake of Pulwana incident last year. BHC Turner said UK cannot impose a solution in regard to Kashmir and this issue needs to be resolved bilaterally by India and Pakistan. However, he said that we want to de-escalate the situation and both countries communicate with each other.
BHC Dr Turner said that since his arrival in Pakistan one thing which strike him is the perception about the country which he stressed did not match the reality. Terming Pakistan his home, he said some people have stereotype about Pakistan, however in reality the country went through very difficult times during the war against terror and faced domestic security threats.
Sharing his experience in Pakistan, BHC Turne said Pakistan has made extraordinary success in tackling security situation in the last 5 years. No country in the world has achieved such an improved situation in its own security with great scarifies and loses and Pakistan deserves credit for doing so.
He said that country faces various challenges but is witnessing 80 percent drop in the security instances and since his arrival he recommended the lowering of travel advice for British nationals travelling to Pakistan. He told the audience that UK mission in Islamabad wants to see more British people to visit Pakistan for tourism and business.
Referring to the Royal visit of Pakistan last autumn, BHC Turner said the successful visit has really showcase the country on the world stage and left a huge impression on the royal couple. Similarly, he said that the resumption of British Airways flights from Islamabad is another example of the UK confidence in the future of Pakistan. He said that there are 25 direct weekly fights between UK- Pakistan from four cities of UK.
Sharing the detail of his visit to Sialkot, Dr Turner said that Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) are doing great work, football and Cricket bats that sold across the world are manufactured in the city. Similarly, he said Pakistan is the second largest manufacturer of Bagpipes, a Scottish musical instrument. He also said there are more Shell service stations in Pakistan than in UK and this is changing the perception of Pakistan.
Talking about the relation between the two countries, BHC claims relationship with Pakistan is important to the UK and around 1.5 million British Pakistani’s are the living bridge between the both countries. He said that these people of Pakistani heritage have achieved much through hard work and they are the important part of British life in the UK. Similarly, Dr Turner said that since his arrival in Islamabad in the last three month every person he had met in Pakistan has some connections, links, family member and either studied in UK which is really enriching the relationship between both the countries.
BHC Turner told the gathering UK has issued around 100 thousand visas to Pakistanis in various categories since last year and claimed the UK High Commission in country is largest in the world with a team of around 500 people working in 14 UK departments dealing with wide range of issues.
Dr Tuner mentioned the country’s economy and 8 percent home growth however he warned about the population, demographic challenge for Pakistan saying that the country has predicated to have 400 million people by the end 2050, Pakistan is already the sixth largest populated country in the world and Punjab alone would be the 11th country in the world by population. He said that 60 percent of that population is under 35 and all those young people are coming to the job market every year and if you cant find the way to give them the skills and jobs, this demographic bubble would be a threat rather than an opportunity for Pakisatn, BHC Dr Tuner forewarned.
He said UK mission in Islamabad is working with the government of Pakistan to provide support in girls education, basic health care and client issues.