Mr Kashif Mirza Central President All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, will hold an important press conference on the issue of peaceful protests of All Pakistan Private Schools on Today Monday, 15 June, 2020 and will brief the strategy of Re-opening Of Private Schools with SOPs throughout the Pakistan!
You’re humble requested, Kindly depute your correspondents and media team along with DSNGs before mentioned date, time at 39-Kamran Block Iqbal Town Main Wahdat Road Lahore.
Kashif Mirza, President of the All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, will hold press conferences and peaceful protests on June 15 in private schools across the country for the “martyrs of education sacrifices and education for all” against the anti-education budget and educational constitutional rights.
Appeal to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Army Chief, Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, Governors to open schools like other departments under SOPs. Private Schools Federation has prepared and issued world class SOPs.
All Pakistan Private Schools Federation rejects budget recommendations 2020-21. 100% tax increase Education hostility!
PM announces’ tax free education relief package ‘for teachers, teachers’ salaries, 90% of school building rents are fixed.
All Pakistan Private Schools Federation rejects the decision to keep the schools closed till August.
Private schools, PAF and Pimaka are being financially murdered with the closure of educational institutions, 50% of educational institutions will be completely closed and 1 million people will become unemployed.
25 million Pakistani children are already deprived of their constitutional right. It is impossible to compensate for the educational loss of another 50 million students. A total of 75 million Pakistani children have been deprived of their constitutional right to education, of which more than 50% are girls.